Monday, December 10, 2012

A win, win

Bright, fun cover of card
Seriously! I've said it time and time again -- I love what I do! Every day I'm reminded how my cooking classes and presentations, cookbooks, blogging, and speaking events touch others lives. It's the greatest reward to do what you love and positively impact others too. As my friend Rebecca says, "It's a win, win."

Saturday, when I picked up my mail...Surprise, surprise... A teary eyed surprise. A thank you card from the Clark College "Food and Your Health" students and a Chipotle gift card for times "You don't feel like cooking" wrote Kristen Myklebust their instructor/my new friend. The card was signed by all of the 100 students I hosted last month. So thoughtful. So sweet. In today's cyber age, it's so nice to receive a handwritten card. The card has a permanent spot on my desk and in my heart.

I feel so proud of what I do. I feel so honored. Thank you for allowing me to be your real example, share my knowledge of food and cooking, and love of life with you. Thank you all for the bright, sunshiny card. It seems this is reciprocity at it's best. A win, win.

Here's some of their comments:

"I loved the energy and info. Walking through Chuck's with you was a blast!" ~ Ryan
"Your food is bomb! And so is your personality" ~Vish
"I love your great personality and amazing cooking! Thanks for a great time." ~Naomi
"Thank you so much for letting us cook with you. You are an amazing person." ~ Tuyen 
"You're awesome and you made cooking class fun!" ~ From your favorite student, Brandon
"Great class. Great food. Wonderful personality." ~ Travis
"Thanks for taking time for us." ~Connor
"You are truly inspiring." ~ Emily
"You rock!" ~ Aaron
 "Chrisetta -- Cooking's back! Thanks to you." ~Kristen, Instructor



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The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News