Thursday, April 12, 2012

Walking proud and often

As a morbidly obese woman weighing in at a whooping 388 pounds. The normal everyday things were more like an obstacle course. I could barely walk. Forget about walking and talking at the same time. I avoided walking with folks because I couldn't bear the embarrassment of gasping for air the entire time. My lungs, heart, and limbs just couldn't take it. That's really a sad shame. 

Gone are those days. I park far away, take the stairs, and even take walks for leisure. Walking does the body and mind good. It's a very low impact, inexpensive form of exercise. Even when I just park and walk a couple of downtown blocks it clears my mind. Something about the fresh air and the movement just perks me up.

The other day, even though my body was pretty banged up from boot camp I decided to take a walk outside. I started off sluggish, but once I got going I started feeling much better. More energized. For those who don't exercise I know it doesn't make sense or seem likely. But, endorphines are powerful and so is fresh air.

We often take things like walking a couple of blocks for granted. But, we shouldn't. There are plenty of folks for many different reasons who can't walk. Although it may seem just like a simple every day function -- please don't take it for granted. Exercise your body and mind whenever you get the opportunity. Take the stairs, every time. Park further away because you can.  A power walk with intervals to get your heart pumping, or a leisurely stroll to clear your head.

I walk proud. I walk often. And, I NEVER take one single step for granted.

***Remember: I recently rehabbed a fractured tibia (still kind of rehabbing) so another reason I don't take a single step for granted. Lace up your tennis shoes today!

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The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News