Wednesday, November 7, 2012


When I lost the marketing assistant job I held in 2009 I was confused and distraught. I kept finding myself unemployed and I really didn't understand why. My girlfriend, Carmen -- rest in peace, said to me "Maybe you're not supposed to work in marketing. Maybe you're not supposed to work a traditional job." I thought, nonsense... I have a degree in Journalism with a background in Marketing Communications, and I like what I do. Fast forward 2012: Man, oh man Carmen was right!

Today, I do everything I love. There's no job description for what I do. I'm OUTSIDE of the Box. A typical day in the life of Chrisetta could include any combination:

- Blog
- Update Facebook (multiple times throughout the day)
- Work out
- Host cooking classes
- Facilitate groups
- Speak to crowds
- Author cookbooks
- Gather goods to create fresh meals
- Cook delicious meals for myself 
- Etc., Etc., Etc.

Everything I do is on my own schedule. I pick and chose the events I participate in. Most of the time I plan my events in my pajamas from the confines of my home. I can chat on the phone with my girlfriends while I work. If I get tired of working, I can take a walk, a nap, or close it down completely. I don't have all the stressors of working for someone else. I have time to take care of myself -- cooking from scratch, resting well, and exercising. What's more, I get to share with people. Help people. There's no greater feeling.

 "You seem to be having so much fun when I peek in there (kitchen classroom)!" Margaret a cashier at Chuck's  observed. A fellow workout buddy said" You are lucky to be able to do what you do. Most people don't get to do what they love."

I'd have to agree. I am lucky. I'm not supposed to work a traditional job. Instead, I'm supposed to have fun sharing my passion for good food, life, health and fitness with you.

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The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News