Monday, June 4, 2012

Where Everybody Knows My Name

Challenge board at NWPT
This morning, we welcomed Hunter to the team. The Northwest Personal Training team. He started working out with us on Friday. Today, was his first cycling class. I learned all this from our warm-up together. 'Cause that's the way we roll. It's an intimate setting. We all take time to get to know each others names and a little or a lot about each other.

In early March, when I started working out with NWPT I was coming from a big corporate gym. I was burnt out on the scene and was losing motivation (only a little). The smaller, intimate studio has been the change that I needed. Small group classes (more like group personal training) and trainers who not only know their stuff, but know my name too. "Hey, Chrisetta."

They also know my background. So they make sure to modify some exercises for my still healing fractured leg. If I miss class  (never) they'll follow up with me to make sure everything's alright. If my form is a little off -- they're right there to help.

It's not just the trainers. It's the folks that train alongside me, with me. During class we encourage one another. Root for one another. Feed off each others energy. It's the coolest thing. We all are in this together working towards fitness and health.

It's no wonder we are all excited. It's contagious. It comes from the leader of the pack, Sherri. She promotes fitness  beyond the studio. She promotes a lifestyle. It's not just about the few hours a week that we're in the studio. It's more. She keep us engaged. Interested. Cycling and Hiking clubs, Running /Walking Events, Nutrition Seminars, Fitness Challenges...

I could keep on and on about NWPT and their awesomeness. I'll just end by saying, if I have to workout, and I do. I wanna workout at NWPT, where everybody knows my name.

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