Monday, July 2, 2012


Breathless with Kristin
I've been cycling hard the last few months, and I have the cycling buns to prove it. Ha. I think I may be addicted to the rush, the burn.

Every trainer has a different style. Each class will take a different course, but for sure you will be challenged, sweat, have fun, and if Kristin is leading the class -- you will become breathless.

Dim the lights in the room, crank the music, and then we embark on our journey. Starting with a warm up and usually during this time everyone's a little talkative and we may even be cracking jokes. The trainer lays out our course for the day: hill climbing, sprint intervals, or a combination of both. The course is typically broken into 2 - 6 minute segments. 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds...a minute. I like the format. I've learned I can endure just about anything for 30 seconds. Sure, I'm panting, legs burning, and I'm breathless. But when the trainer calls out "10 seconds" to the top of the hill, I know I can do it. Not sure, if I'd be so motivated to climb the steep hill alone.  It's nice riding with a group alongside me and a trainer guiding us through the course. We're all in it together. Breathless, in fitness and in health.

To work on your cycling buns, become breathless or whatever your goal -- check out my training studio Northwest Personal Training. They have lots of cool specials and events going on this summer.  Tell 'em I sent you and receive a complimentary two-week pass. 

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