Monday, August 16, 2010

Change is Good

In all aspects of our lives - every once in a while it’s good to mix things up - especially, when it comes to our workout routines. After several months of happily gyrating my hips in Zumba classes it finally became boring. Don’t get me wrong I still love the Latin rhythms, but as with most love affairs the honeymoon phase came to an end. So over the last couple of weeks, I replaced Zumba with an array of different cardio machines – you have to keep the body guessing.

To do just that, this week, I’m going to try something completely different. I’m not going to do any cardio. Yep, NO cardio. Instead, I'm going to take Yoga classes and weight lifting only this week – how’s that for a shocker body? I’ve heard so much about the benefits of Yoga. And, since this journey of mine is all about trying different things, I’ll give Yoga a try too -- Mind, Body, and Soul.


  1. Oh man. I wish I could see a video of myself in Yoga. Ha. I sure thought it looked easy when I was just watching through the glass. Suffice it to say, it was quite an amazing, exhilirating experience. I'll certainly try it again. Tomorrow I'm going to try Pilates Fusion. Stay tuned...

  2. be prepared to hurt in places you didn't know you had! This is what always happens to me when i switch it up, no matter how "easy i think it looks. Must mean it's working, right?


The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

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Source: CBS News