Monday, August 9, 2010

The Time of My Life – Part II

Sure, I'm not the best at Vball, but I was having a BLAST!
I'm to the right wearing an off-white shirt, jeans, and a HUGE smile.
Photo taken at Sunday's Family  BBQ.
I spent the weekend with my high school chums celebrating 20 years removed from high school. What a time we had chatting it up, reminiscing, laughing, and partying. The weekend started with a mixer Friday night, Saturday the headliner event, and Sunday a family affair – a BBQ in the park.

It’s been ten years since most of us saw each other and all sorts of things have happened in our lives over the years. So there is no doubt this occasion brought about a plethora of emotions in all of us. I personally have flashbacks of the terrible photos of me (one of many wake up calls I ignored to loose weight) from our ten year reunion. Seeing the photos of myself, however, taken at this reunion make me proud. Sure, I’m a work in progress and still have a ways to go, but look how far I’ve come.

Today, I’m alive, energetic, eager, happy, and most importantly free – free from limitations. The photos taken of me at the 20-year reunion show a spirit of a person who is no longer hiding behind excuses, unsure of her potential, not afraid to seek the unknown, and unwilling to settle for mediocracy.

“You look radiant. You glow from the inside out,” a classmate said to me in conversation this weekend. Whoa. What a statement, I glow from the inside out… That was the greatest compliment I heard all weekend. Don’t get me wrong , I love hearing about how good I look. Heck, I’ve worked really, really hard to get here. But, this long journey of mine is about more than loosing the weight. It’s about my spirit - my quest for inner peace and happiness. And, apparently now-a-days, I glow. Humph.

I’m no longer sitting on the sidelines waiting for things to happen. I’m making them happen. I’m having the time of my life!


Thanks, Jefferson Class of ’90 Demos for a beautiful weekend. I’ll cherish our moments together forever. Demos for life!

Also, I have to give a shout out to my peeps from the reunion committee – we done it y’all. Thanks for letting me be a part of the committee. I had a blast planning,marketing, and kicking it! xoxo

 Shannon and I have been friends since 3rd grade. Photo taken at Friday night's mixer.
All smiles. Headed to the headliner event Saturday night.


  1. love it mamas im sooo glad u had so much fun you deserve all the good things in this life u have earned them

  2. When you love yourself it shows. Others see that and can't help but love you too. It's a big ol' love vortex and you deserve it. =)

  3. Paty--

    Thank you darling! I really didn't even expect to have so much darn fun that's probably why I did. ;)

  4. J-

    For so long I didn't really love myself and so I walked around with my guard up and an ugly disposition. I still sometimes have it ;) but for the most part I'm a much happier person. As always, thanks for your words and insights.

  5. Can I just say you rocked the HELL out of that purple dress. When I saw you walk up, I almost cried! Seriously! AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! I loved playing volleyball with you. That was some funny ish! You were getting mad at that ball. I am so excited for our future endeavors together. We are going to make a difference girl, we really are!

  6. Shannon-

    Thank you! I felt pretty amazing too. When my mom saw me she actually did cry.

    Volleyball was fun! And, yes I was mad at the ball - I was just tagging it. LOL. I can't wait to get started on our business plan. These little tikes need us. ;) Love ya!


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