Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Worth It!

The other day after Yoga class I was chatting with the instructor about this and that, and of course, my weight loss journey came up. I recalled the day I signed up at
24-Hour Fitness. I initially went in with the intention of only signing up for a 7-day trial pass. The friendly membership guy gave me a tour of the facility and details about being a member. It all sounded pretty good until he started talking about the monthly fee. Hmm…I thought to myself…I’m receiving unemployment and money is really tight. How could I justify adding another bill? As he carried on highlighting the benefits of being a member, I blocked out his words because I was only concentrating on how I would stretch my already stretched dollar. In a split second, my inner voice whispered to me – I’m worth it – I’m worth, $36 a month. For goodness sakes, this is about my health, my livelihood.

Since that day back in March “I’m Worth It” has become my personal motto. A couple of weeks ago I went grocery shopping and I bought two lbs. of asparagus, at $3.99 a lb. I was telling my mom about it and she moaned and groaned about me paying almost $8.00 for asparagus. Like I told her, I could easily spend that much, probably more on a good steak, a pound of Peet's coffee, etc. So I wanted the asparagus and I bought the asparagus. I’m worth it.

Eating healthy and living healthy have a higher price tag, but I’m not going to let the price tag stop me from taking care of myself. I’m worth every cent.

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The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News