Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Time of My Life

Yesterday afternoon I happily walked down the path of Blue Lake Park toting a huge straw bag, two small Igloos ®, and a folding chair. Since I was unfamiliar with the layout of the park, I parked my car quite a ways away from the actual place I was meeting my party. In the days of the past having to walk so far surely would’ve made me upset. But, on this bright sunny day, I strolled the length of the park, smiling, humming, giving praise to God, and taking in all the beauty surrounding me: Kids playing, BBQ pits roaring, and ahh…The beauty of the lake. Once I arrived at my destination it dawned on me I wasn't at all fatigued from the walk even with all the items I carried. Sigh. The heavier, less active, less fit me would’ve surely had a miserable walk. My, oh my, how things have changed.

My journey has been about so much more than loosing weight; instead it’s about everything I’ve gained. What an oxymoron! Yesterday’s outing at the park with my *Latino friend’s is about me learning to step outside of my comfort zone, surround myself with different people, and try different things. I’ve lived most of my life unwilling to explore and venture out, but those days are long gone. I even played Volleyball yesterday - for the fat trapped girl that would’ve never been an option. The new me, however, hopped right up when I was asked to join in on the fun. Sure, I only hit the ball a few times but I was out there trying and having fun! Our team won and the gang jokingly named me, MVP. Smile. My life has changed in so many ways. I’m no longer sitting on the sidelines waiting for things to happen. I’m making them happen. I’m having the time of my life!

*It’s important for me to point out I only mentioned the race of my friends because it’s part of the new me. In the past, being heavier, lazy, and anti-social I probably wouldn’t have never wanted to go to the park in general and certainly not with a group outside my race. Not prejudice, quite the contrary, but being overweight use to keep me from trying anything new.


  1. Love it Chrisetta and I'm glad you feel that way. Had not played volleyball in a long time either but I had a blast ;) I am still singing the Norteño music haha they made my day ;). XOXO

  2. last you figured out how to post on the blog. Yay!

    I had a blast playing Vball and just hanging with y'all. The day was simply perfect. :) xoxo

  3. that entry was as beautiful as you are in that dress. You play some formal vball! (love you earrings, btw...)

  4. J -

    Thank you, thank you, darling.

    And, I'm SO not formal, that's not a dress it's a swimsuit with a terry cloth swimsuit cover-up (the combo does give the illusion of being a dress). ;)

  5. This is a very nice blog you said some things that I recognize in myself. My weight has kept me from being active/social in the past now. I say past because just recently I played a game of good 'ol kick ball with family and had a blast usually I too would have sat on the sideline and watched or kept score I had a blast. I am glad you are now starting to enjoy your life and having fun doing it. Im not going to do a blog or anything but just reading your made me think about doing a journal. Thanks You once again for sharing.

  6. Stephanie -

    I'm glad the blog touched you but sorry you resonated with parts of it. The place where you are inactive and anti-social because of your weight is no fun! Here's to us breaking that cycle! Glad to hear you joined in on the kickball game. I LOVE kickball that was probably the only sport I did participate in growing up. I've been threating to buy a kickball and start a little tournament. Hmm...

    For sure start a journal and if you want start a blog too. Hey it's all about what you want to do. Don't limit yourself.


The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News