Monday, July 12, 2010

Where to start...

…I feel like I should bring y’all up to speed on my progress thus far but I won’t bother. Let’s just recap the last couple of weeks and from here on out I promise to update y’all a few times a week. Fair enough? Good.

I just recently completed a 10-day Herbal Cleanse which meant: No bread, pasta, corn or white starches, dairy, alcohol, coffee, or soda. The first and second day went smoothly, but by day three I was having some serious bread withdrawals. I looked like a heroin junkie. I was balled up in the corner scratching and sweating. No seriously, it did become a little tricky and I was starting to doubt I could make it through all ten days. Of course, I prevailed. And, when it was all said and done, to my surprise, the peanut butter toast (on whole wheat bread) I was craving was not all that. I was also longing for Greek yogurt, but once I was able to eat it - I wasn’t really moved by it either. It’s funny how we can make adjustments when we put our minds to it.

The Herbal Cleanse was a jump start to me slowly shifting my diet and when I say diet I just mean I’m modifying my eating habits. Currently, I’m on a strict protein and carbs from vegetables only diet. I’m detoxing myself from white flour, sugar, and dairy products. Why? It’s simple. White flour and sugar have no dietary value. Our bodies are not designed to process the crap. I probably will need to revisit this topic later and dedicate a whole section to it – it’s pretty deep. No dairy? You ask. Well, it’s full of hormones, antibiotics, and the list goes on. So basically, I’m loosely following a Paleolithic diet or the Caveman diet, which consists of eating animal protein and plant carbs. I don’t want to go off on Caveman diet tangent quite yet. I’ll save that for another blog. I know, I know. I’m such a tease.

Until next time…


  1. I had to be the first to comment. This is a wonderful blog you've started. I wanted to be like you. Well I've posted so many times on your you know how I feel. Good luck and keep it movin'!

  2. Ahh...thanks for being my #1 fan! ;)


The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News