Tuesday, August 20, 2013

41 Years in the Making

Lydene Robertson Photography

Blessed to have seen another year and it has been a wonderful one.

I vowed to be "Fit By Forty" and haven't quite hit that goal physically. Not from lack of trying or wanting to but it's hard. Very hard. Oh well, let's save all the heavy stuff for another post. It's my 41st birthday and I feel great.

I really like the way 40 feels. I'm closer to God and working on becoming more at peace.   I'm happy. Healthy. I know my self-worth. I'm confident. 

I don't dwell on things or try to hold on to them. I know when to let go and move on. 

I laugh often. I love with all of my heart.

I'm a work in progress but I like where I'm headed.  The best is yet to come.


The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
overweight or obese.

· Obesity-related diseases are a $147 billion dollar
medical burden every year.

· Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years

Source: CBS News