Wednesday, May 11, 2011


On February 17, 2011, as a pedestrian in a shopping mall parking lot I was hit by a car and suffered a fractured Tibia - Acute Tibial Plateau Fracture to be exact. On March 3, 2011, I underwent Open Reduction Internal Fixation surgery to repair the fracture. A metal plate was inserted in my leg to hold the repaired bone in place.

Today, marks 12 weeks from date of accident and 10 weeks post-op. At the time of the accident, I was devastated, frustrated, angry, fearful, sad. Amongst those feelings, however, I stayed grounded. I've refused to let my spirit be broken. I've managed for the most part to make the best of an unpleasant, unfortunate situation. Sure, I've had a few down moments, but mostly I've remained happy, optimistic, and joyous. I've continued on with my life -- business as usual. Attending social events, working out, running errands, and completing household chores.  In the midst of this all I've also lost weight and remained relatively fit.

When the accident first occured I had no idea how, why, and if I could get through this. After weeks of sitting still with myself, reflecting, I've become closer with myself. I've learned that I have a dynamic character. I'm strong, brave, fragile, fearful. My spirit shines brighter, my smile is bigger, and my heart is full of love and peace. I'm grateful.

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The Obesity Epidemic is REAL!

The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere.

· Two-thirds, more than 190 million Americans are
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Source: CBS News